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Yellow Fly Q&A

Will the yellow fly kit work for other biting insects? 

No, this kit is not effective for mosquitoes or no-see-ums. It is designed specifically for yellow flies. Yellow flies are drawn to the color of the beach ball and its gentle movement.

I don't have trees in my backyard, what should I hang it on? 

A shepherd's hook from any hardware store will do the trick. Make sure the beach ball is at least 3-4 feet off the ground, so a taller shepherd's hook is your best choice.

Where do I need to hang my yellow fly kit? 

Place your yellow fly kit away from the area where you'll be spending time. This kit attracts yellow flies, so it's important to keep it out of the space you'll be using. If you're short on space, hang it in a corner of your yard. If you have a tree-lined area in your backyard, that's an ideal spot. Just be sure it's not near where you'll be.

Can I hang this next to my hummingbird feeder? 

No, we strongly advise against hanging this kit near hummingbird feeders or bee/butterfly gardens. The glue used is incredibly sticky, and any creatures that land on it will get stuck. Unfortunately, it will be impossible to remove them once they're stuck.

I was hanging the kit up and I got glue all over me? What can I use to remove it? 

Through our own experience, we've found that olive oil is the most effective way to remove glue from your skin. Unfortunately, nothing seems to work on getting it out of clothes, and we never tried it on our hair. We've heard of people getting glue in their hair and having to cut it out. So, please exercise extreme caution when applying the glue to the beach ball.