South Walton Mosquito District’s Performance Measures

Safety Health & Environmental
- Hold one safety committee meeting monthly
- Perform 4 safety briefings monthly for all SWMD employees
- Conduct 10 safety compliance inspections monthly
- Complete 100% fire extinguisher inspection annually
- Document and investigate any OSHA recordable incidents
- Record the number of cases of mosquito-borne diseases
- Compare the number of cases in SWMD to the number of cases in neighboring districts across the Gulf Coast
- Record the number of spills as per DEP regulations
- Calibrate all adulticide application equipment annually
- Calibrate all larvicide equipment annually
- Collect and identify 2,200 adult mosquito samples annually
- Collect and identify 200 larval samples annually
- Collect and process 2,000 arboviral samples annually
- Identify sample collections within one business day
- Perform/ participate in one resistance test annually
- Collect and process 2,000 arboviral samples annually
Service Requests
- Contact the constituent within two business hours of receiving a request
- Complete requests within one business day of receiving requests
- Schedule missions as per F.S. 5E-13.036, or vector concern is high
- Complete > 90% of all scheduled missions
- Always maintain >75% equipment operational readiness
- Always maintain >80% equipment operational readiness
- Truck Liquid Larvicide
- Treat roadside ditches/observed standing water after rain events >2”
- Perform larvicide missions when abnormal standing water is present and justified with larval samples
- Ground Applied Granular Larvicide
- Treat 5,000 documented source sites annually before larva infestations take place
- Aerial Applied Granular Larvicide
- Treat 300 inaccessible larval habitats annually
Source Reduction
- Mosquito Control Ditches – 44 Ditches
- Always maintain >50% equipment operational readiness
- Mow > 30 miles of Mosquito Control Ditches annually
- Mechanically remove aquatic vegetation that reduces flow annually
- Inspect all Mosquito Control Ditches after any >2” rain event
- Repair any minor damage from November-March
- Repair any major damage within 30 days
- Update the five-year capital improvement plan by June 1st
- Research District needs by the department for the next fiscal year
- Review the prior 4-year plan for changes
- Prepare a Capital Improvement Plan draft for the management to review
- Present Capital Improvement Plan to the Commissioners and Director
- Maintain capital budget as per approved plan
- Research District needs by the department for the next fiscal year
- Submit the Detailed Budget for FDACs by July 15th
- Assess District needs by the department for the next fiscal year
- Hold 2 public workshops with the Commissioners to provide additional information for taxpayers and the public
- Post Detailed Budget on website.
- Post the Certified Budget on the website by September 30th
- Hold 2 TRIM meetings for the public to provide information on millage rate and budget with Commissioners present
- Submit a Certified Budget to FDACS by September 30th
- Track potential grants/appropriations for special projects
- Research potential funding sources for the District
- Annually review the cost associated with grants and appropriations
- Annually review total funding sources
- Review findings with the Director for approval
- Present finalized proposals to the Commissioners for approval
- Research potential funding sources for the District
Public Outreach
- Increase community presence annually
- Track the number of events and presentations attended
- HOA/state park events
- Community events
- Schools attended
- Track the number of events and presentations attended
- Grow social media presence and followers annually
- Engage constituents through various social media platforms
- Review YouTube for improved visibility and messaging
- Post appealing content weekly on social media outlets
- Provide new informational content monthly on social media out
- Measure monthly website traffic
- Engage constituents through various social media platforms
- Perform event assessments
- Track the number of attendees at the event
- Offer a QR Code for attendees to survey events
- Provide handouts for teachers with a QR Code for a survey of the event
- Provide quarterly updates to the board
- Ensure all field employees are licensed applicators within a year of hire
- Provide training material to new employees
- Conduct one-on-one training with new employees
- Schedule classes/ tests for new employees
- Continued education for licensed applicators to maintain licenses & increase knowledge